It can be difficult at times for some consumers and business owners to completely understand energy supply and more specifically, how electricity is in the Western Power grid. So we’ve put together a comprehensive outline of what we believe you should really know about electricity in WA.
With a growing population and increased energy consumption, it has become vital for all energy consumers to take responsibility for their own individual power use. At Amanda Energy, we provide grid electricity solutions to the South West region as well as solar power energy to support commercial businesses and reduce our overall carbon footprint.
Demand Response, aims to encourage consumers to take stronger measures to preserve the energy resources and reduce the load on the grid. It has financial rewards for businesses and environmental benefit. Previously, the government has provided their own program known as Demand Response Management (DSM). The government program has now been discontinued. Today, Amanda Energy provides their own Demand Response program to customers.
Amanda Demand Response means that reducing your load for just a few hours can help reduce your electricity costs for the whole year.
Beat the Peak – Bundled customers get paid to reduce their electricity load.
Shave and Save – Unbundled customers can save up to 25% by reducing their electricity load.
Amanda Energy are a part of the South West Interconnected System (SWIS), a network including the areas of Kalbarri, Perth, Albany and towns in between. Making up almost 90% of WA’s power market, the SWIS is maintained by Western Power, however, the supply of energy comes directly from electricity retailers such as Amanda Energy. Retailers for electricity are responsible for the billing and costs associated with your energy usage.
What separates us from other energy companies is Amanda’s brainpower. We look way beyond cost per unit, to give you a 360 degree analysis of where to make true savings
Are you spending over $1,250 per month on energy bills? You may be eligible for huge savings with Amanda Energy. Make the move today and start reaping the savings from Amanda’s power moves.