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Peak Shaving

Beat the Peak

At all times, electricity supply must equal demand. During times of peak demand for the entire grid, the equation can be balanced by either generating more electricity or reducing consumption. The cost of balancing the equation is passed onto individual customers as a Capacity Charge. This is determined during a few hours of consumption between December and March each year. We help minimise your Capacity Charge by applying our expertise in Amanda optimisation tactics.

More about Peak Shaving

Amanda Energy proactively monitors and predicts the hours that will impact your Capacity Charge, so you’re in the best position to reduce it wherever possible. Shaving just a few hours each year allows you to lower your energy bill over the life cycle of your business.

Who qualifies?

  • Amanda Energy customers
  • Businesses who are able to reduce electricity consumption for a few hours during peak months

Start your free Amanda Analysis

Our detailed analysis empowers you to make informed decisions.


Get started

With your consent, Amanda will access your historical electricity consumption from Western Power.



Amanda’s industry leading analysts will assess your current power usage with a view to improving efficiencies and identifying potential savings.



Amanda will then present a tailored energy solution to reduce your spend. Options may include bundled or unbundled electricity, solar support, demand side management and other initiatives tailored to your business.



Agreements are finalised and the optimal solution is implemented to achieve an overall reduction in your energy costs. Your business reaps the benefits of a tailored energy solution.