See what you could save

Switch to Amanda Energy and help reduce your business's gas bill by up to 20%

Save on your business gas with Amanda Energy. As a local gas supplier in Perth and WA, we offer tailored, competitive plans to help you reduce costs. Our team provides expert advice and in-depth analysis to ensure you get the best deal. Contact us today to lock in your tailored pricing.

Business Gas supplier perth
Business Gas supplier perth

Business Gas Plans

Combined Electricity and Gas Plans

When you switch to Amanda Energy as your commercial gas supplier, you could save up to 20%. We’ll assess your gas usage patterns and find the best way to optimise your usage to lower your bills. We’ll tailor your gas plan to meet your specific energy needs.

Your business could save even more by combining natural gas with electricity and/ or commercial solar with Amanda Energy. Our business energy experts will analyse the benefits of combining your energy accounts and advise you of the savings. Contact Amanda Energy’s experts today!

Switch to Amanda Energy and help reduce your business's gas bill by up to 20%

Save on your business gas with Amanda Energy. As a local gas supplier in Perth and WA, we offer tailored, competitive plans to help you reduce costs. Our team provides expert advice and in-depth analysis to ensure you get the best deal. Contact us today to lock in your tailored pricing.

Business Gas supplier perth

Business Gas Plans

When you switch to Amanda Energy as your commercial gas supplier, you could save up to 20%. We’ll assess your gas usage patterns and find the best way to optimise your usage to lower your bills. We’ll tailor your gas plan to meet your specific energy needs.

Business Gas supplier perth

Combined Electricity and Gas Plans

Your business could save even more by combining natural gas with electricity and/ or commercial solar with Amanda Energy. Our business energy experts will analyse the benefits of combining your energy accounts and advise you of the savings. Contact Amanda Energy’s experts today!

Why switch your business’s gas to Amanda Energy?

  • We offer flexible gas plans with more benefits
  • We ensure a continuous supply of gas with no interruption to your business
  • We’re experts in commercial energy
  • We provide individualised service and support. You can talk directly to our energy experts located here in North Fremantle, Western Australia.
  • Our tailored energy analysis allows your business to optimise your energy use and reduce your bills
  • We can provide you with more than just a gas service, ask us to help you find the right electricity, gas and solar mix to kick start your savings

Now is a great time to find out if your business is getting the best natural gas deal. Get started with our free gas analysis. Fill in the form below or call us today on 9430 7048.


Start your free gas analysis today


Get started

With your consent, Amanda Energy will review your historical consumption data.



Our industry-leading analysts will assess your average gas usage with a view to identifying potential savings.



Amanda Energy will present a tailored gas quote to reduce your spend.



The optimal solution is implemented to achieve an overall reduction in your energy costs. Your business reaps the benefits of a tailored energy solution.


Fill in the form below and a business gas specialist will be in touch shortly.

Business Gas Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on your annual gas usage and business size, your business could save up to 20% off on gas per year! With Amanda Energy as your commercial gas supplier, we’ll assess your energy usage patterns and find ways to lower your bill and help your Perth or WA business save more.

It will pay to compare deals to ensure you get the right outcome for your own individual circumstances. To put it simply, energy usage charges are not the only consideration in finding the right deal. A lower tariff might be a great discount, but it’s important to understand the contract terms and conditions to ensure you’re getting better value overall. Perth gas suppliers typically offer two or three-year contracts, Amanda Energy will work with you to offer you a contract term that suits you and your business needs.

If your plan has minimum and maximum consumption requirements and you don’t meet the contracted levels of consumption on billing, you may be charged higher rates which can really cost your business. Amanda Energy typically offers a lower – by industry standards – Annual Contracted Quantity amount of 50% of the previous year’s annual consumption. However, we will always work with you to offer you contract conditions that reflect your expected needs.

We source natural gas from a network of generators around Western Australia. This ensures a reliable and high-quality natural gas supply for your business. Switching gas suppliers doesn’t impact the quality or supply of the gas you receive, because it comes through the same pipe network to your business, and you keep the same meter.

ATCO is not a retailer, it operates a distribution network comprising three gas distribution systems across Western Australia through more than 140,00km of pipeline. Gas retailers such as Amanda Energy sell this energy to businesses across the state and manage your account.

Yes, the price of natural gas is regulated and capped by the Western Australian state government. This price cap is applicable to small-use gas customers who are supplied under a Standard Form Contract. A small-use customer uses less than 1TJ of gas per annum.

If you do not have a signed contract with the retailer, but are taking supply of gas, you are deemed to be supplied under the Standard Form Contract. Typically, this would apply to new tenants or owners of a site which is being supplied gas by the retailer.

You may also choose to be supplied under the Standard Form Contract, which is regulated by the Economic Regulation Authority.

The capped tariffs for gas supply to small-use business customers in the South-West / Mid-West areas (excluding Albany and Kalgoorlie areas) are as follows:

Business Tariffs (Small Use Customer only) Prices including GST
Supply Charge 20.31 cents per day
Usage Charge – for the first 100 units used on average per day 14.68 cents per unit
Usage Charge – for each additional unit used on average per day 11.77 cents per unit

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Amanda Energy is a WA owned and operated business gas supply company. We provide individualised local service and support to our customers here in Perth and Western Australia.
We believe that good value energy isn’t just about getting the lowest cost per unit – we seek to understand your individual requirements to tailor a bespoke plan for your business. Bringing together gas, grid electricity, solar and energy saving initiatives, we tailor solutions that will get you the most from your energy investment.

The amount of gas delivered to your meter is measured in cubic meters and is then multiplied by heating and pressure factors as measured by ATCO. You will then receive a bill for this amount represented in either Gigajoules, or units. One ‘unit’ of gas is the equivalent of one ‘kilowatt hour’, or ‘kWh’ which is how your electricity usage is measured.

Built into your usage rate is the wholesale cost of gas itself, shipping rates, and ATCO’s network charges. If you choose to receive an ‘unbundled’ rate, your usage rate will only be inclusive of wholesale gas and shipping rates, while ATCO’s network charges are passed through to you directly.