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Center West Exports & Sun City Farms Case Study

Fast Facts

The Company
Center West Exports & Sun City Farms – Woodridge, Western Australia

The Challenge
To deliver CWE and Sun City Farms power at 100% capability. Their slim margin business means they have to produce quality at a volume and suffering blackouts results in loss of produce. Their farm covers 1,330 acres containing fixed and pivot irrigation. CWE is responsible for the production of over 500,000kg of perishable product per week.

Case Study

The Approach
To analyse their energy usage and data to create a tailored DSM and commercial solar package to save them money and secure their electricity supply during peak times on the grid.

“We have interstate and overseas market orders to fill every day. To shut down for an hour is a catastrophe. As a four-hour mandatory transfer was not an option, Amanda provided us with five generators spread over our site.”

The Solution
To supply CWE and Sun City Farms 5 backup generators, complete with weather and sound enclosure and integral fuel tanks, free of cost to CWE, and to install a 100kW solar system on the roof of the premises, further saving them money and considering their environmental values.

The Results
“We have been on the DSM program since 2011. We have also installed solar with Amanda Energy and wish we had done so earlier. The savings solar has provided is significant to our bill and gives us the opportunity to expand the business in other areas. This summer, I don’t have to worry about a black out.”
Peter Wauchope, General Manager

“The real benefit to us is that in a power blackout, we have 100% redundancy on those five meters. Emergency generation was part of our long-term plan, but we now have five generators, complete with weather and sound enclosures and integral fuel tanks for free, and a 100kW solar system, ticking our environmental goals.”

Peter Wauchope, Sun City Farms