The Company
Mondo Di Carne Butchers – Inglewood, Western Australia
The Challenge
To deliver Mondo Butchers a solution to their high electricity bills, whilst incorporating their desire to be environmentally efficient. Mondo Butchers use of open fridges, cold storage and cool rooms is significant factor in their power usage.
The Approach
To analyse their energy usage and personalise a commercial solar system to their 24 hour usage, whilst encompassing the organic ideologies held at Mondo Butchers. Amanda Energy customised a solar PPA plan, allowing Mondo Butchers to embody their green principles reducing their environmental impact and energy costs.
“Since tracking the data, I have been able to compare our usage to previous years and have noticed significant savings on our monthly bills. ”
The Solution
To install a 40kW system, providing Mondo Butchers with the solar power generation they need to power cool rooms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Results
“We would definitely recommend Amanda Energy for all your electricity and solar needs. They were able to deliver the service in a personalised approach. I can easily log on and track our usage, noticing savings since installation.”
Robert Garreffa, Managing Director
“Just do it! Don’t delay. We spent time looking around but after signing with Amanda Energy we realised how easy the process was and have been enjoying savings since.”
Robert Garreffa, Mondo Butchers