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Case Study

Wise Wines

Fast Facts

The Company
Wise Winery – Eagle Bay, Western Australia

The Challenge
To deliver Wise Winery over 50,000kW of solar annually to power cool rooms, cold storage, processing plant, factory and restaurant, whilst reducing costs and environmental impact. All in a semi-remote location.

Case Study

The Approach
To analyse & verify the power requirement. Then investigate the practicalities of a larger solar footprint to utilise Wise Wines primary consumption of electricity during daylight hours. The remote location meant The Wise Wine factory roof was only sufficient for a limited number of panels so a personalised installation needed to be designed.

The Solution
To provide Wise Winery with 80 commercial solar panels installed on the factory roof, delivering 20kW of power and a further 11.25kW ground mounted panels in the nearby paddock.

The Results
The new system delivers in excess of 30kW of power… more than enough to satisfy immediate demand but flexible enough to accommodate expansion future. “Through Amanda Energy we have saved money, reduced our impact on the environment and have specific information on our usage… It was a no brainer.”

“Through Amanda Energy we’ve saved money & reduced our impact on the environment… it was a no-brainer!”

Ron Wise, Wise Winery